Financing and Offers

Financing and Offers

Craig's technicians and sales force can not only help navigate you through all the home heating and cooling options available, but guide you through the various incentives and rebates that make switching to a higher efficiency heating or cooling system more affordable than sticking with your old air conditioner or furnace.


Carrier Credit Card example


Use the Carrier Credit Card as a convenient way to pay for your home comfort system.  Your Carrier credit card also brings you great features:

  • Revolving line of credit that you can use over and over again
  • Special financing where available
  • Convenient monthly payments to fit your budget
  • Easy-to-use online account management and bill payment options

*The Carrier® credit card is issued with approved credit by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank. For more information Contact Us.


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$89 Fall Furnace Clean and Tune
Get your furnace ready for winter with our Fall Furnace Clean & Tune service. Ensure efficiency, safety, and comfort all season long. ✔️ Full Inspection ✔️ Clean & Optimize ✔️ Prevent Breakdowns Don't miss out—schedule today!
Offer ends 11/1/24
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